Saturday, January 2, 2010

recurring (exhibit C, part II)

I'm walking down the hallways and narrow staricases
fingertips ghosting over those mint and yellow walls
I'm not alone, but I might as well be.
The power goes off, leaving everything a watery blue.

I come to the top of a staircase, the one that leads to the main entrance, the glass doors. At the bottom, about twenty students are gathered around, quietly watching a teacher play guitar.

I search their faces, and hers hits mine. She sees me just as I see her. Our eyes meet like two racecars in a full-on collision. The guitar plays on, soft and sweet. I think people are talking to me, asking things of me, demanding my attention, but none of them matter. 

She sits there, arms outstretched, expecting nothing of me
She smiles, hugely, happily, and I crash into her arms.

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